Rec club rules, terms, and conditions
Rules and responsibilities to follow when using the Rec Club
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We are committed to keeping all staff and members safe whilst on the premisses.
Please ensure you read the full RFC Rec Club rules, and Terms & Conditions.
The terms and conditions of membership may alter from time to time. Any changes will be re-printed and displayed on relevant media.
RFC Rec Club reserves the right to refuse entry or require users to immediately vacate the premises in the event of our Terms & Condition being breached.
Opening/closing and security of the premises
Contact Details
RFC Recreation Club
Fleet Road
Tel: 0207 830 2848
Craig Johnson: Contact details above
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday: 7am – 10pm
Friday: 7am-9pm
Saturday:10am – 5.30pm
Sunday:10am – 5.30pm
The RFC Recreation Club has security CCTV in the following areas: Front entrance, sides of the building, gym upstairs x 3, foyer, pool x 2, reception. We have the use of the Royal Free Hospital Security Staff.
Facilities available:
Swimming pool 13×6
Fitness Room/Gym
Sports Hall
2 Studios
Treatment Room
We reserve the right to terminate a membership if a member fails to pay the subscription fee (or part of it) within thirty days of it becoming due or the member commits a serious breach or repeated breaches of these terms.
Concessionary members are required to show proof of eligibility and thereafter every 12 months. Failure to provide eligibility will result in loss of concessionary status.
Membership cards are non-transferrable and can only be used by the person to whom it is issued. Infringement could lead to termination of membership without compensation.
Prices may be reviewed at any point during your membership, and we undertake to provide at least 3 working days’ notice of any price change either by email where this exists, or by post.
Subscription, Payments, and Bookings
A payment for any membership is due on purchase. Payment on purchase is as follows:
- Recurring Card Payments (RCP) – 1 month membership.
- RCPs are paid in advance of the month ahead.
- All RCPs will be taken on the date of the month which corresponds with the date of joining, or the nearest working day.
- Each payment received by you is non-refundable.
- If a payment is missed, we will aim to deduct again within 24 hours, charges may occur for missed payments. If this repeats your membership will be deactivated and you will therefore not be allowed to use the centre. You will need to contact The Rec Club if you have a payment issue within 14 days of the failed payment, otherwise your membership will be cancelled, and you will be required to re-subscribe and pay the price current at the time.
- Should it be necessary to increase prices, we will give you a minimum of 3 days’ notice. Your right to terminate your membership during this time is unaffected.
Bookings for hire of the studios and sports hall can only be made using the official booking system which is available via this website or by emailing the club directly at
Bookings will not be accepted from anyone under the age of 18.
In the event of any variation of use by the Hirer or failure to comply with its requirements, the Rec club reserves the right to cancel the booking.
The Rec Club may, if it deems necessary, request additional information from the Hirer about a booking.
The Rec club reserves the right to refuse any booking. This would include events or activities which the Rec club considers:
- to be an inappropriate use of the space
- may present a threat to public safety.
- likely to create a disturbance or inconvenience to the residents in the neighbourhood.
- to conflict with any of the Rec clubs’ policies or its aims and objectives.
- may embroil the Rec club in disrepute.
The Rec club is not required to provide any reasons for refusing bookings.
If the booking is approved, the Hirer will be informed via e-mail or phone. The booking will be considered provisional until full payment has been received within 48 hours of making the booking if the booking has been requested by email rather than using the online booking system.
A booking that is only provisional will be set aside if another Hirer is willing to make a confirmed booking.
A provisional booking will become a confirmed booking once full payment has been received.
The Rec club reserves the right to cancel any booking for any reason. Where a booking is cancelled by the Rec club, the rec club shall incur no liability to the Hirer whatsoever.
Concerns regarding pricing should be addressed within 30 days of the booking confirmation issued by the Rec club.
It may be necessary to undertake maintenance to the facility and its equipment at any time. Where we need to alter hours of business or change activity programmes, every attempt will be made to provide advance notice and to minimise disruption and inconvenience.
Right to Cancel
- We recognise that your circumstances may change. In such an event, should you wish to cancel your membership we require:
- One FULL month written notice prior to the next collection by emailing, or by completing the appropriate ‘Membership Cancellation Form’.
- We will provide you with confirmation of cancellation, via email, within 7 working days from receiving written notice. If confirmation is not received it is recommended that the member contact The Rec Club to ensure their cancellation has been received.
- If the member fails to give one month’s written notice, it will be assumed that the member wishes to continue their membership and payments will continue to be claimed accordingly. If the member cancels their recurring payment during their contracted period, then the member shall be suspended and be unable to use the centre’s facilities until arrears are paid in full
- If you are unable to attend any prebooked activities or any bookings made to the Studios, Hall or Swimming Pool. You must cancel as soon as possible. If you cancel within 48 hours of the start time for the hired space, you will be subject to a 50% penalty charge where we are unable to fill your place. Where we need to change or cancel a class or activity, we will aim to notify you within the same period. You will be charged the full price if upon no cancellation of booking.
Accident reporting and recording procedures and responding to hazards.
A risk assessment is regularly carried out.
Please report all accident or hazardous incidents to reception.
All duty managers are First Aid & emergency pool responder trained.
All hirers please confirm First Aid provisions and/or if RFC First Aid is provisions are required.
For your safety in wet weather, please let reception know if the hall becomes slippery.
We will not compensate you for any loss or damage you may suffer where the same is attributable to:
- Your own fault
- A third party unconnected with our provision of services under this agreement; or
- Events which neither we nor our suppliers could have foreseen or forestalled even if we had taken all reasonable care.
Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence of for fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability which cannot be excluded by law.
Your responsibilities as the hirer such as what activities are allowed/prohibited
When hiring any space at RFC Rec Club please make sure:
- You & your clients are aware of RFC Rec Club safety standards, rules, and T&Cs.
- You are responsible for your clients
- You keep a record of all your clients in the building
- To report all accidents to reception
- Keep all equipment as you find it
- Keep studios clean and tidy.
- Return all keys
Maximum capacity and numbers of people per space
Studios – 15 people
Swimming pool – 33 people
Hall – 50 people
General club use rules - fire safety evacuation procedures and other rules
We offer an induction and comprehensive instruction to show correct use of gym equipment we will not accept any liability for any claim for personal injury if you use the gym equipment without first having an induction from a qualified member staff.
- Please swipe your card upon entry.
- Age limit applies; 18 or over / 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
- No use of Sports Hall or Studios unless previously booked.
- Do not leave valuables/clothes etc in the changing rooms, (lockers are available).
- Do not cause a nuisance by acting inappropriately in the changing rooms.
- We reserve the right to dispose of any item of non-valuable lost property not claimed after 1 month. Valuable lost property will be disposed of after 3 months.
- No animals – only assistance dogs are allowed.
- Please leave shower/changing room area as you find it.
- Bags & outdoor clothing are not permitted in the training area.
- No glass, food, or drink, alcohol, or illegal substances.
- Dress Appropriately with correct footwear.
- Always be mindful of other members.
- Be respectful to staff and other members.
- No harassment of staff.
- Keep mobile use to a minimum.
- No recording or photography on the premises.
- Respect other members personal space.
- Keep music to yourself.
- Wipe down equipment after use.
- Allow other members to use the machine in between your sets.
- Return equipment to the correct place.
- Ask to be spotted when necessary / please only lift what you are capable of.
- Never drop or throw weights/no deadlifting allowed.
- If you work as a fitness instructor, you will need to show proof of your training ie certificates, also you will need to have public liability insurance. This will cover you for damages and legal costs that may arise as a result of third party bodily injury or third party damage.
- Please note, there is to be no smoking, vaping, drinking of alcohol or taking of any illegal substances in any part of the Rec Club.
Swimming Pool Rules
Swimming Pool 13x6m
Deep end 1.8m
Shallow end 1.2m
Available for use by members & 2 guests.
- Swimming pool is regularly in use by schools and swim clubs. Please contact the reception for members swim time.
- 5 lanes swimming only for adult swimmers.
- Number of child guest per member is 12-3 in line with rule number.
- No unaccompanied children at any time.
- No children in the pool between 12pm-2pm Monday to Friday.
- 1-1 adult supervision for children under 4 years of age.
- 1-2 adult supervision for children between 2 and 12 years.
- 33 bathers in the pool at any one time for classes.
- If hiring the pool, the hirer must designate a group supervisor who will oversee the group; This supervisor must always be present at the pool area at any one time (class only).
- For hirers, there is a 50% cancellation fee unless cancelled 48 hours prior to booking time.
- There are no lifeguards on duty. Members swim at own risk.
- Do not leave valuables/clothes etc in the changing rooms
- (lockers are available).
- Do not cause a nuisance by acting inappropriately in the pool.
- Please shower before entering the pool.
- Please do not enter the swimming pool or changing facilities while suffering from any infectious or contagious disease(s).
- Swim hats must be worn in the pool.
- No glass, food, or drink, alcohol, or illegal substances.
- Do not use equipment without permission.
- No animals – only assistance dogs are allowed by the poolside.
- No outdoor footwear.
- No running, jumping, pushing, diving or other dangerous activities.
- Do not deface, soil, or purposefully damage any part of the swimming pool, or changing facilities.
- Do not use equipment in the pool that is likely to cause harm or inconvenience to other persons in the pool.
- For the safety of all swimmers, it is essential that sensible, responsible. behaviour is always demonstrated, and pool rules are complied with.
- Please do not interfere with any employee in a way that directly affects the performance of their duties.
- RFC Rec Club reserves the right to refuse entry or require users to immediately vacate the pool in the event of these rules not being adhered.
Fire Safety
Action to be taken by group supervisor:
- Raise the alarm at the nearest fire alarm call point.
- Do NOT put yourself at risk.
- Do NOT tackle the fire unless trained to do so.
- Group supervisor to assist their charges with evacuation of the pool.
- Proceed to the assembly point via the nearest escape route.
- Do NOT stop to collect personal belongings.
- A head count must be done to ensure all swimmers have left the pool area. Wait at the assembly point until authorised to re-enter the building.
- Please use the nearest available exit following the directional signs or instructions given by staff.
Action to be taken by Parents and Carers:
In the event of a fire, the alarm will be activated which is a continuous alarm noise, if activated during a lesson.
- Please do not go to fetch your child. The pupils will exit the building under the control of the teachers and centre staff and line up at the emergency exits.
- Parents are requested to exit the building via the nearest emergency exit.
The management reserves the right to hold practise alarm drills from time to time to test the procedure for clearing the Centre in case of emergency.
Action in the event of hearing the fire alarm (If there is no immediate danger):
On hearing the fire alarm, prepare to evacuate the area and wait for further instructions from a member of RFC rec club staff.
Action to be taken in the event of a bomb threat:
Follow the evacuation procedure above
7 Fire exits:
Main Door
Corridor leading to Studio 1
Ground floor Outdoor hallway leading to the pool
Swimming Pool
Sports Hall
Studio 2
Fire assembly points:
Lawn Road
South House
Fire Marshalls:
Craig Johnson (Club Manager)
Yuling Yang(Fitness manager)
Kunal Manbode (Duty Manager)
Parvez Miah (Duty Manager)
Razeen Uddin (Duty Manager)
Jordan Williams (Duty Manager)
Daniela Giurgea (Duty Manager
Please email to make a booking for:
5 aside football
Badminton – 4 courts available
Table Tennis
Storage available
Sound system available
Capacity for Hall Hire:
- 5 a side, max participants = 10 (some groups play with 6 a side)
- Badminton, max participants = 2 or 4 per court 16 over 4 courts
- Basketball, max participants = 10 (some groups play with 6 a side)
- Sports hall, event bookings max participants = 50.
- Studio, max participants = probably 10 but depending on class 15.
- Cancellation policy applies; 50% of fees will be charged unless 48hour notice is given
- No show bookings will be charged full price
- Size: 34.5m x 20m
- No food allowed
Studios 1 & 2
Please email to make a booking.
- Cancellation policy applies; 50% of fees will be charged unless 48hour notice is given.
- No show bookings will be charged full price.
- Must be over 18years old to hire a studio.
- Capacity 15 – for Yoga or Pilates.
- Storage available.
- Sound system available.
- No food allowed.