Membership terms and conditions

Membership terms and conditions for the Royal Free Charity Rec Club

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Paying for your membership
Your membership

You can choose how you pay for your membership. A monthly direct debit can be set up with your bank and the payment will come out of your bank on the first working day of each month. Or you can pay for a year in advance.

Members choosing to pay by monthly RCP. The pro rata payment will be taken from your bank with the first RCP payment. This pro rata payment covers the cost of your membership until your direct debit begins. The last month in advance payment is to cover your usage when we close your account.

If a direct debit is returned by your bank unpaid, we have the right under BACS regulations to re-present a request for this payment at any point without notice but within one month of the original charge.

Change of details

Should your personal details change, please notify us immediately. The details we hold for you will be used to communicate electronically or by letter with you as per BACS regulations. You can notify us by emailing


Prices may be reviewed at any point during your membership and we undertake to provide at least three working days’ notice of any price change either by email or post.


It may be necessary to undertake maintenance to the facility and its equipment at any time. Where we have to alter hours of business or change activity programmes, every attempt will be made to provide advance notice and to minimise disruption and inconvenience.


We expect our members to behave in a considerate manner and will not accept any aggressive behaviour towards other members or our colleagues. We reserve the right to refuse admission for members behaving in such a manner.

Membership cards

All club members are required to present their membership card on each visit. The card remains the property of Sports & Leisure Management Ltd. Lost cards will be replaced for a nominal charge. The card may be used only by the person to whom it was issued.

Personal property, injury, illness and death

Subject to the final paragraph of this section, we will not compensate you for any loss or damage you may suffer where this is attributable to:

(i) your own fault

(ii) a third party unconnected with our provision of services under this agreement; or

(iii) events which neither we nor our suppliers could have reasonably foreseen or forestalled even if we had taken all reasonable care.

Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or because of fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability which cannot be excluded by law.

Cancelling your direct debit membership

We recognise that many people’s circumstances change. In such an event, should you wish to cancel your direct debit membership we ask that you notify the Rec Club in writing or email us at

Privacy policy

For details of how the Royal Free Charity Rec Club uses the personal information you provide, please see our privacy policy.

Membership administration

For all direct debit membership administration enquiries, please contact us by emailing For all other member enquiries and activity bookings please contact us using the appropriate option in the Contact section of the website:  or in person.